What is the Standard 8a Certification Timeline?
8a Certification is one of the premium SBA recognized certifications that a small business must get to get into the federal business premise. However, the process itself is time consuming and several considerations come into play before you get the certificate. Various steps are involved in the process where the nodal agency takes time to go through each and every details of the application before awarding one. Quite obviously, the 8a certification timeline is somewhat different.
The time required to prepare and assemble the 8a application varies business to business, but mostly it has been seen that it takes between a month and half with the SBA being able to approve the certification. However, sometimes the 8a certification timeline may extend as long as 4 months, depending upon the applicant meeting all the basic credentials and having other satisfactory economic and social narratives handy to satisfy the basic requirements.
Clearance from SBA
While the processing may extend up to 4 months, SBA’s clearance might take as long as 6 months if you are lucky ( let’s not consider if you are not). You might even get a decline of your 8a application, which is at the sole discretion of SBA or the nodal agency issuing certificates. However, the clearance time, in any case is not less than the six months. Preparing your applications to submitting it, meetings, checks, re-checks and the final approval from Small business administration, and so on extends the 8a certification timeline for all the real reason.
The Supporting Documents
Arrange as many supporting documents as possible. As your supporting documents, you can get old court documents, personal statements from old and current colleagues, neighbors, friends, and anyone who supports your case. The more valid documents you can support, the more your 8a certification timeline will be reduced.
Should You Hire a Consultant
Hiring consultants might end up significantly reducing the 8a certification timeline, but it’s crucial to hire a consultant who comes with required expertise and proven track record. Keep in mind that consultants are professionals adept in getting applications approved for their clients. Also, the style of working and system in place really helps a lot of their clients who might go a little astray in the absence of any authority guiding their fortunes through the entire processes under 8a certification timeline. However, make sure that the consultant has got proven track record before you hire them to carry out your 8a certification jobs.
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