What is 8A certification program and why to choose it?
The 8a business development program is open to the businesses those are at least 51% owned or operated by socially and economically backward individuals. This 8a certification process helps this group, like women, minorities, veteran, disabled people, LGBT and other businesses that are specially considered disadvantaged due to their business location, sizes, access to a larger business economy in the US. These backward business owners can bid for government contracts, partners with other certified business holders and take proper advantages of special re courses offered by this program. 8a business development program was created by the US SBA to open the marketplace to small, disadvantaged businesses. Business in this 9 years program has good access to the sole-source federal contract, which means there are no other competitive bids, of up to almost $6.5 millions in manufacturing and other $4 million in general goods. The program also gives increased visibility to small ventures tr...